The Most Expensive Dog

The Most Expensive Dog hong dong
Is the dog really man's best friend? Or is it a significant status symbol?
It seems that Tibetan Mastiffs have recently become a status symbol, taking the place of diamonds and expensive cars.
Among the high ranked historic owners of the breed are: Queen Victoria, King George IV, and Genghis Kkan. Legend has it that Lord Buddha was even a Tibetan Mastiff owner.

How much would you be willing to pay for a special dog? Maybe $1.5 million?

A multi millionaire coal baron bought the 11-month old world’s most expensive dog, red Tibetan mastiff  called “Big Splash” or “Hong Dong” dog for  $1.5 million!!

This price didn’t only shocked you, it seems that have shocked even his breeder!
"When I started this business 10 years ago I never thought I would see such a price." - said the breeder, Lu Liang. But also, he mentioned that this Tibetan mastiff is a perfect specimen with a superior genes that makes him a phenomenal breeding dog.

Lou and his team admitted to spending a lot of money to raise the dog and stated that the new owner could easily earn a handsome sum by using Big Splash as a stud dog. Hong Dong’s diet is very expensive. His meals includes delicacies from abalone and sea cucumber to staples of chicken and beef.
This rare dog weighs 82kg and is nearly 1m high. The breeder, Lu Liang is very satisfied because he saw a love for the dog in the buyer’s eyes! This “baby” Tibetan mastiff  needs lot’s of love and a very patient socialization with a good training.

This piece of a status symbol is after all, a cute puppy, with the same bad breath, flea and flatulence problems as every other dog. So what makes Hong Dong dog worth $1.5 million?
Many believe that Tibetan Mastiffs provide their owners with blessings of health and security.
And this rare red Tibetan Mastiff is very special because “red” is a lucky color in China. This Big Splash is a prized red Tibetan Mastiff, a rare breed thought to be among the oldest and most respected dogs in the world.

It is believed that the dog will give the owner a certain amount of cachet among his friends because Tibetan mastiffs have become a status symbol for China's wealthy.
In China, owning of the Hong Dong dog is "the ultimate symbol that you've made it".
A dog of this breed was reported to be given to England’s Queen Victoria in 1800s. This dog has proven itself to be an excellent protector of livestock that it is ready to attack even wolves and leopards even until these days.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a descendant of the famous Tibetan dogs and is said to be in existence as early as the stone or bronze age.
The Most Expensive Dog hong dong
Tibetan mastiffs are believed to be one of the world's oldest breeds. They were originally used as guard dogs for monasteries and Genghis Khan is said to have had an army of them. They can live for 10 to 14 years.
Tibetan Mastiffs have always been an important part of Tibetan history. The dogs are said to have traditionally guarded monasteries and nomad camps. Tibetans believe the dogs to be holy, possessing the souls of monks and nuns who failed to be reincarnated or did not enter the heavenly realm.
Hong Dong is a large and densely haired dog. He is a highly protective and territorial breed. He is strong-willed and fearless and has a strong desire to please its humans. He is an excellent watchdog but must be socialized and trained at a young age. Its training should aim to achieve mutual respect. Strong-willed as it is, can be stubborn and disregard commands that are expressed in strong words or gestured with a tendency to hit. Furthermore, Hong Dong is a nocturnal barker.

This large dog requires daily walks as well as regular jogging exercises. It must also be given outdoor opportunities to climb and dig, its favorite activities.
Due to its size and activities, Hong Dong need a place with a large yard.

If you liked this dog… but have no money to buy it, maybe you will have a luck to see a Hong Dong on the street one day! Be sure this Red Tibetan Mastiff  will not go unnoticed!

The most expensive Painting

The most expensive painting ever sold "No. 5, 1948"
Whether you look at this picture will certainly impress you, whether due to cost or what's on it.

The most expensive painting ever sold is the work of American
abstract painter Jackson Poločks (1913 - 1956), who died of alcoholism in his 44 years. Painted in 1950 in technique oil on fiberboard. The most expensive painting titled "No. 5, 1948" is a dimension of 8 ft x 4 ft (2.4 m × 1.2 m).

The most expensive painting in the world in 2006, sold for $ 140 million when he moved from one collector to another property.

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The most expensive Nail Polish

The most expensive Nail Polish "Black diamond"
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It is a product from a reputable jewelry store Azature. In support of that exclusive jewelry products, they threw nail polish called "black diamond".

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